Chapter 11 - Social Influences on Consumer Behavior

Social Influences on Consumer Behavior 

By Gustavo Flores

Sources of Influence 

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The question surrounding Audi is, how do they market/ advertise their products? Well, it redefines itself for the future. Within the sources of influence, it would lie within many of the options. I would mainly say that Audi has a mass media delivery along with a marketing source like normal advertising and social media campaigns. Though this does not mean that Audi has not benefited by the word of mouth among consumers. These help the innovation of Audi's products and creates a growing target audience.

The sources of influence will help with research over potential consumers. They would then promote their products through special sales to bring interest within the company. The advertising on television hits a certain target audience because of the probability of achieving a sale from this respective group.

Types of Reference Groups

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In all market-related ideas, there is a reference group. In specifics, there are three types of reference groups. There is aspirational, associative, and dissociative. At Audi, there mainly concentrated on aspirational and associative. The groups could help with the feedback or could lead to a potential customer. Audi works to serve the people and provide the best service.

The aspirational group could be people who hope in purchasing in the future a vehicle from Audi. They could have a personal experience that they may prefer because of their demographics.

The associative group could be a group made specifically for people who own Audi products. Now that social media is a controlling figure in the world, people could discuss in detail what they find interesting about the Audi service or products.  The link below is for a Facebook group of people who own Audi's. This is great because Audi professionals could receive feedback from consumers who already own their products. This would also benefit the people who own the products by finding solutions to quick issues if someone else has experienced it before.

