Chapter 3 - From Exposure to Comprehension

From Exposure to Comprehension

By Doanh Lu


Image result for audi mixed reality

Audi introduced mixed reality at multiple Irish dealerships to provide consumers with exposure to new car models. Visitors that come to those dealerships will have a chance to Giving customers a chance to experience the actual Audi's new model with holographic technology content. Consumers can view and observe the car in the showroom with 3D holographic that they can be viewed with a VR headset. For creating this unique experience, Audi gives consumers have a realistic illustration and information about the car and their experience with the model. Because Audi focuses on making creative content; having consumers interact with the new car model with high technological equipment would give consumers a unique experience that can positively affect their decision in purchasing the car.


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Audi believes that being creative and unique will make them stand out from their competitors. They target the right consumers through television and digital commercials with creative content to draw their attention. The company research and test out different media platforms to see which one would be the most suitable for their marketing campaigns. Not only making creative ads and content; they also give consumers memorable experiences to interact with the newest car models through a mixed reality project. From viewing and experience unique content, consumers will more likely to be attracted and influenced to buy Audi automobile.


Image result for audi's perception

Audi's brand perception is demonstrated though visual, hearing, and touch. The design of the car and how it looks to give consumers the first impression that will eventually affect their decision in purchasing the car. The company did a great job to keep evolving its design to make them modern and classy. The Audi logo also plays a big role in influence consumers to purchase the car for status. Moreover, many people love the way Audi's engine sound when they accelerated; it sounds clear and sharp. The sound plus the visual of the car would draw lots of attention from bystanders; which will make the car owner feel proud of purchasing the car. Lastly, Audi is known for being an innovative brand that always keeps up with the latest technology and designs safe automobiles for consumers to use.


DNA of the R8

Audi always is creative with its commercial or print advertising compared to other automobile competitors. Their contents are not only attractive but they also clear enough for viewers to understand. They did a great job in condense creative information in short television commercials or limited spaced print ads. One of Audi's most popular print ads is the racing cars feature with the Audi R8. From the car engine to the core foundation of the model are influenced by racing cars. Consumers can purchase a classy design Audi car with the engine of a fast and advanced racing car.

